Sunday 23 November 2008

Obsessed with my TV, me.. NEVER!

I always used to write emails, browse the internet, read blogs etc while I watched TV in the evenings.. My life has changed and I'm not sure I like it, ha ha. Our lovely new TV is sucking me in, watched Sex and the City the movie tonight on it, oh boy it was nice! Even J liked it and I think it was more the TV than the movie : ) I must keep that TV off daytime as I noticed today that Axel seems to have taken a liking to it as well, not good, babies with square eyes... child abuse lol. To my defence, it was raining today and quite cold for UK and it was Sunday and J was working bless him. So weird that I had such a Sunday feeling today as I'm off all week all the time and J was at work which he normally never is on a Sunday. The weather got a bit better in the afternoon so we decided to go and meet J outside his work and walk home, being a chicken mum as I am, I decided that Ax needed to have both his snowsuit (overall) AND his foot muff. Nice nice... Here are some photos from Friday showing his new foot muff.

Had a great day yesterday with J's mum and her partner, went shopping and had lunch, J stayed at home and rested as he still feels a bit poorly. Then Birte, Tom and Bo came in the evening for some X-factor.. Amazing on the new TV : ) and good that Rachel left!

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