Thursday 30 April 2009

Grey Thursday

Sorry about the Swedish blog posts, has some sad news in our family, and when things like that happens I realised that the only language I wanted to write in was Swedish, I guess my Swedish roots are stronger than I sometimes think.
It's a new day, the sky is grey and we have just chilled out this morning, spoke to my family and played with Ax who is having a nap at the mo. I need to change my mood cos I have to go out and buy a white cardigan, some tights and maybe a new small bag, and a pair of shoes for the wedding we are attending on Saturday here in Brighton. So nice to dress up, and I can use all of it on my wedding and party afterwards which is a bonus!
Really looking forward to it, my lovely friend K is coming in the evening to babysit, it's a bank holiday weekend here so we might go an visit J's mum one of the days as well, so all in all a great weekend to look forward to! I'm gonna try and go to the hairdressers as well today, haven't cut my hair since.. oh my, hold tight, before Christmas I think!! It's about time!!!

Axel hasn't slept so good the last couple of night, but last night we gave him some Calpol in his sleep before we went to bed and he slept much better bless him, he is getting his second tooth which I think hurts a bit extra in the night, but I can feel it now so hopefully the worse has passed and we can all get a better night sleep! I took some photos yesterday trying to get him to show the camera his first tooth, not the easiest!

Axel keeps prodding things to feel them, so sweet and sometimes he even has his finger ready while he sleeps ha ha : )


Jessica said...

Sitter och lyssnar på Suedes the 2 of us, och jag tänker bara på dig och ditt flickrum när jag hör den :) Glada minnen! Beklagar vad det nu är som har hänt, hoppas ni alla mår bättre snarast! Kram kram Jessica och Isola

Sara said...

Ohhh the 2 of us... pa vinyl : ) Helt underbart.

Ja usch va jobbigt det ar nu, livet ar skort.


Saltistjejen said...

Vill skicka en kram eftersom du nu har det jobbigt! Det ÄR tufft att bo långt ifrån nära och kära, särskilt när svåra saker inträffar. Hoppas du kan stötta trots avstånd.
Och du vad söt han är! Och visst kan man skymta tanden! Haha. Vår E har också fått sin första tand nu. Längst ner. Den syns när hon skrattar stort men kan vara svårfångad på bild.