Tuesday 27 January 2009

Nursery verdict, IKEA, Dentist and other things..

So, what's been happened since Friday...

On Friday we went to have a look at the nursery in the neighbourhood, it was shite... just like our neighbourhood. We have to move before I go bonkers walking past all "street drinkers" (they like to call themselves that apparently) - that's drunks to others by the way- every day..
But it was good to see it so we can rule it out and move on in life : )

Even though J was (a bit) ill we went to IKEA on Saturday with his mum and her partner, we had to buy some stuff for Axel (hello Mr Credit card!), we where really good and only bought what we needed and was on the list - it's a first - not even the compulsory tea lights or napkins went to Brighton! So anyway, picture me all flustered using a piece of paper as a fan next to a really pasty J in his winter jacket all zipped up walking hand in hand. Oh and yes, Axel didn't really like the buggy we borrowed so he got a bit pissed off after a while, ha ha priceless!!! By the end of the trip he was screaming of tiredness so I had to run in to the Swedish food shop and throw some random stuff in my basket while an ill J was standing with a screaming Axel... It was really nice to finally be home and it will probably be a while until we try the IKEA excursion again. BUT it was nice to see J's mum and she was real happy to see Axel so that was nice.

We just chilled on Sunday, I got a nice sleep-in which was lovely then breakfast in bed. It was raining cats and dogs (like they say here in England) but me and Axmax managed to walk under a big umbrella to meet Kirsty at Starbucks, never better to sit and drink hot chocolate and catch up than when it's raining outside.

I finally went to the dentist yesterday where I got my fears confirmed, I got a hole that needs fixing for the bargain price of £90 aarrrgggghhhhh.

- And today Ruth and I walked for about 3 hours in the sunshine, it's days like these I enjoy living by the sea.

Axel trying out his new highchair and tasting some porridge

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