Sunday 11 January 2009

Great night and Good morning!

Had a great evening, Axel is getting into his usual routine and last night he fell asleep at 19.30 (nice nice), I woke him up at 22.30 to "dream feed" him and then believe it or not... he slept to 7.15 this morning (this has only happened a couple of times since he was born so we get super excited every time it happens - he usually wakes up around 4 for a quick feed which is great as well!). After some morning milk J took him and I slept to 9 when J came in with a tired Axel, he really is resisting to sleep at the mo even if he's tired, this week I have had to "swing" him to sleep before his daytime naps. I don't as I love to see when his lovely eyes closes and the cute snoring starts : ) They are both sleeping now and I've just had some breakfast all by myself, a great start of the day!

Pictures taken yesterday before bedtime, he loves to stand up and do NOT want to lie on his back anymore even tho I try and try, the baby bouncer is still ok which is good as I'm a bit worried for his back with all this standing and sitting! We try to have some tummy time every day as well, he is ok for 5 min then he starts screaming, not his cup of tea, but he is really good at it even with his big head ha ha. He also loves the TV (as you can see on the first photo) and J keeps asking when we should get him a computer, he is hoping he will be a nerd just like his dad lol.
Playing with his toys before PJ and bed time, he really likes his new Panda he got from auntie A this Christmas : )

We are gonna fix some stuff in the flat today and then go out for some fresh air - bring on Sunday.

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