Friday 27 February 2009

ok I admit, I'm being lazy

but I think it's ok after a tummy week : ) We are all much better now, but my tummy is still sore and I only eat porridge and yogurt, but I realise that I must start eating a more varied diet soon, just not today. I will skip the Friday theme today - Indispensable and concentrate on being with Axel and getting better instead. The sun is shining here today so we will head out soon for some much needed fresh air!


Meatbreak said... clearly these Friday themes are not Indispensable!

Glad to hear you are feelign better. Syd is well on the mend too. Good boy!

Fritt ur hjärtat said...

HIHI jag det finns ju väre saker i livet att missa:-)

Taina said...

Krya på dig! Det kommer fler fredagar ;)