Sunday 1 March 2009

Catch up

I started to feel a bit fluie last Sunday and got some tummy craps in the afternoon which turned to more sinister gastric "whateveritscalledIcanneverremember", I even had some fever so I think it was more towards the Winter Vomiting bug (my tummy thought it was so much fun last time so requested an encore) - can't believe that I've had it twice in the space of 2 months when I didn't have it for 10 years before!! Anyway, lets not dwell in that, I was starting to feel a bit better come Tuesday when I was so hungry I decided to eat a Big Mac, yes - how STUPID of me to even think that I could eat at all, so after another two days of tummy ache minus the puking thank God I'm almost back to normal. The whole week reminded me of how I felt the first 3 months when I was pregnant with Axel, it was dreadful, I was constantly feeling queasy, nauseous and tired. The best contraception really, one week of that is enough for me for a loooong while, even more painful with a baby that could not give a monkeys that you are feeling shite : )

After a week of illness the flat really needed a good clean so me and J scrubbed, washed, hoovered and organised away yesterday, so nice to be in a more tidy clean flat, I even finished the half complete cabling job that's been driving me bonkers for ages so now we live in a - cable all over the floor - free living room: ) We then went to see J's uncle and his partner for a walk on the pier and some nice Thai food, unfortunately Axel is not feeling so good at tho moment, got a nice whisky voice and think he even had some fever last night poor thing so he got a bit upset after a while in the restaurant so me and J took turns to push the buggy outside (and we left to go home just after 8 so no late night ha ha , but it was the first time we were in restaurant in the evening with Axel so I think it was ok anyway.

Today we are planning to continue with the invitation cards and then have some tea and cake with J's family before they head back to Primrose Hill. It's my birthday tomorrow and J's taken a holiday day, he's been working so much he can really do with a break, just gonna spend time as a family and do fun things, hope the weather is good!

Here are some pictures from this week -

Axel in his green top with Wilma the worm and Axel the next day with his bunny

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