Wednesday 11 March 2009

Axel 6 months today!!

Axel is 6 months today, so surreal, it was just yesterday he was born and tiny, now he is almost 70 cm and 8 1/2 kg! I got some inspiration from another blogger to write down some facts about Ax, mostly for me to look back upon. So here we go..

At 6 months Axel can almost sit up unaided - the "play ring" has helped sooo much. He can sit in it for "longer" periods playing with his toys which he is starting to like more and more now as he can pick them up and hold them much better sitting up.

Axel loves to sit in his high chair watching the fishes in the aquarium and he loves books more than anything else, "read them", chew them and shakes of excitement when we look in magazines.

He's tried quite a lot of different food, parsnip, carrot, broccoli, but his favourite is butternut squash. He also like bananas and apples.

He "talk" a lot, trying out different noises and facial expressions, a tries to charm you into smiling, and smiles a lot himself. He rarely cries, only is he hit him self accidentally with his toys trying to maneuvering them towards his mouth, or if he is over tired.

Axel sleeps through most nights now which is nice, although early mornings in this household with Ax waking up at 6 the latest. But he is so good in the evenings, falls asleep at 7 without "our help", he always sleeps on his side with a muslin as a comfy blanket. He sleeps a couple of times during the day, mostly in the mornings before lunch.

He loves it when we sing and laugh out loud when we I do movements with his arms to go with the song. I think I'm gonna buy a small cd player so we can easily listen to music in the living room without having to turn on the PC.

And he loves the camera, smiles and wants to touch it all the time, lucky for me as I can not stop taking photos of him!!!

No teeth yet, but he is chewing away on everything and you can feel the teeth just underneath the skin so soon maybe.

We went swimming for the second time today and Axel dipped his head, got a bit surprised but I think he liked it. I, on the other hand thought it was much nicer when J came along so I think we will be starting to go to the pool on the weekend so we can go all 3 of us.

I'm enjoying motherhood more and more for each day, maybe because I'm getting more confident, but also cos Ax is getting more and more fun and not so much baby anymore which I like weirdly enough.

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