Friday 27 March 2009

Show and Tell: Om jag vann tio miljoner skulle jag...(If I won 10 millions I would....)

It's the last Friday in March and Erica’s' last week to decide on the theme, been really nice and upbeat subjects (although I missed the one last Friday).

I've been thinking about this week’s theme quite a lot, I love thinking "IF" day dreams, actually, I love to daydream in general, walking and thinking happy thoughts while feeling the warmth of the sun in my face. My friend Anneli introduced me to it many years ago when she told me she always daydreamed (even long stories and complex scenarios), we were working at Kodak developing photos and in great need of some dreams : ) I gave it a try and realised I loved it! Anyway, back to Show and Tell. As I live in Brighton where a one bedroom tiny flat costs around 2 million kronors I’ve decided to change the currency to British pounds (that way I can get almost 11 times as much for my money ha ha, which is a bit shite as it used to be almost 14 times when I was studying and got Swedish student loan, typical!). I actually play the lottery twice a week (on standing order so I never miss it), and I still believe that we will win the big bucks one day : )

My wish list if I won 10 million pounds-
* I would buy a lovely Victorian house, nothing too big and fancy, maybe 3-4 bedrooms, a nice double reception room and a big kitchen in the back facing the big secluded garden.Lots of room for children to play in, in a nice little village with a post office and a country pub.
I actually found my dream home while searching for pictures – isn’t it just perfect – relaxed, white and airy!
(click on the picture to see more photos of the house)

* A funky penthouse apartment in London would also be on my wish list, central with nice views and housekeeping (butler) services so we don’t have to clean or fill the fridge before we arrive (this is so much dreaming I have no clue if it actually exist, but I wouldn’t be surprised, everything is possible in London for the right money). A nice bathroom (en-suite and child free) with big floor to ceiling windows and a massive bath is crucial as I love to bath, even more so with a view. The feeling of being in the middle of the city but totally in your own bubble where no one can disturb you, maybe even some nice jazz music in the background, heaven!!

* I would buy an old Silver Porche, just like the one Dylan had in Beverly Hills 90210
* It would be wonderful to have a (summer) house in Sweden where I grew up for my family to be able to use as much as they want, somewhere remote, next to the sea in Skane where we could spend our summers and celebrate Christmas.

* Imagine being able to travel all over the world, see amazing places, experience different cultures and explore.

There are lots of other things I would like and do, but the time is getting late and as I have a teething baby at the mo so I must go to bed and try and get some hours sleep before the night shift start with an upset baby, poor thing.

Västmanländskan is the host for April with some great themes (sorry for the rough translation)-
3 april – gult (yellow)April är ju påskmånad och då är färgen gul aktuell. Vad betyder gult för dig? Gult är fult? (Yellow is associated with Easter, what does yellow mean to you?)
10 april – långsamt (slowly)Långfredagen. Förr i världen årets långsammaste dag. Vad är långsamt för dig? (Long Friday – Used to be the slowest (and boriest) day of the year, what is slow for you?)
17 april – vårtecken (Spring signs)Nu borde våren ha kommit i nästan hela landet. Vilket är ditt bästa/största/viktigaste/första vårtecken?
(The spring should be with us by now, whats your best/biggest/ most important/ first spring sign?)24 april – övergivet (abandoned)
Sista temat ut för april lämnar jag helt öppet för tolkningar.
(The last theme is open for own interpretations.)


Taina said...

Vilka fina drömmar och det där HUSET! Wow, det gillade jag verkligen. Vilken läcker inglasad altan och den ljuvliga mattan i trappan! Badrummet så snyggt. Visst är det skönt att dagdrömma och din dröm kan ju gå i uppfyllelse för du spelar ju trots allt ;)
Ha en fin söndag!

Anonymous said...

Jag gjorde nästan samma sak - jag bara "glömde" att skriva ut vilken valuta de där 10 miljonerna var i... Tänkte mig euro istället för kronor ;-) Nu måste jag kolla in det där fina huset som du drömmer om - jag älskar gamla engelska hus!
Kul att du verkligen spelar på lotto, det borde man göra!