The sun's been shining all week here in Brighton and the Brits strips off like it's July ha ha.. Me and J have this competition every year where we have to spot the first person wearing flip flops. I won that competition today (although we have both seen people with flippisar earlier - the competition states that we must be together when spotting one). After a nice stroll into town today we met J outside the jewelers where we went on the weekend and decided on our rings, I know it's a bit early but it's nice to get everything sorted well in time! And I think we learned something with the invitation cards- never make anything yourself!!! ha ha : ) We are still producing stupid cards and I'm getting nervous that some people might get pissed off as they haven't received their cards yet even tho others have. But there's no bias or prioritisation, instead we are just ticking people off the list while making the cards. But I hope we will have sent them all out by the end of the week, then I can show the cards here : )
As I have a solitaire ring (one diamond) as my engagement ring I wanted a plain d shaped ring as my wedding ring. Unfortunately it's still quite expensive as I got a platinum ring, but my estate agent sale face came on and I got our two rings down in price nicely, so that feels good!!! J's ring is in Palladium (looks like platinum and wont go yellow after a while) gonna be interesting to see how long it will last as it's quite a new metal, the jewelers don't know. But if it get really ugly after a while, then he can hopefully upgrade his ring (if we both work). But for now it's good, and I think it's better than white gold, but of course it's a matter of taste : )
Gonna go and look at 2 nurseries next week, want to find one as I want to start working in September. Hope it's better than the last one I saw which was awful! But I got one of them recommended so I'm quite hopeful. The only tricky bit is that we will move soon, was hoping in May, but think we might wait until I got a job so we can see how much money we have to spend on rent, I must admit I'm a bit bored with Brighton, the arty Brightonians, the low wages and the expensive rents and houses. I got ants in my pants and want to move somewhere else exciting, need to work on J tho, he seem to like it here...oh well..
Hallo from the other side
5 years ago
Tycker det är bra att vara ute i god tid :) Vi gifter oss i augusti och ska snart också köpa ringarna! Så försvinner inte dom pengarna liksom :D Haha! Kram kram
Ha ha, precis sa tanker jag ocksa, har redan vatt och nallat pa brollops budgeten sa bast att punga ut med de "stora" utgifterna nu.. Kopte min brollops klanning (tror jag!) pa rean idag (ska ha blommig) for 600kr, har gatt och spanat pa den ett tag sa blev riktigt glad nar den va halva priset.. wooohooo.
S x
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