Tuesday 3 February 2009


After being inside both Sunday and yesterday we really needed to go out today. So we met B and Bo for a walk in the park looking at the last of the snow and the brown snowmen! After the lovely walk me and Axmax continued our journey with some shopping (boring needed stuff) and then met up with Val. I saw the other day that I have an enormous amount of photos of Axel but not many with the two of us, so I asked B and Val to take some today : )

We need to start planning our wedding party for friends here in Brighton (still need to find a venue and agree if we should have the party on the Friday or Saturday) and our family only party in Sweden (well the restaurant is booked so that's a plus). I'm gonna invite my Swedish friends to Brighton but I'm not sure who will be able to come for just a party (with no food ha ha) oh well. Its going to be great : )

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