Sunday, 24 May 2009

Sunny morning?

I've been a bit slack lately with the blog, don't have much to write really, everyday is the same here, play, food and walks, maybe see a friend or two. The weather has not been the best, but I hope today will bring sunshine, it looks promising! It's a long weekend here in UK with Monday off which is nice. We just chilled out yesterday, I had some time for myself while Ax and J was out and about but managed to sleep most of it, damn. Haven't been sleeping so well lately, not sure why, just toss and turn a lot before finally sleeping and then waking up if Ax stirres. I went to the Job centre last week to see if I could get some job seeker allowance while I'm looking for work, what a depressing place, and flipping weirdos! They didn't wanted to help me with the pram up the stairs (health and safety apparently), and the lift they got was only for staff!?!?! Then I had to sit and wait for a long time even tho the specifically told me on the phone that it was crucial that I was there on time. After all this waiting I don't seem to be eligible as I strangely enough haven't paid enough National Insurance for 06-07 aaarrrrrggggg (typ A kassa). Oh well, I was a bit upset afterwards and think I might not go there again, it's such a negative place and don't think it's for me really, just gets you down, I have been positive that everything will be fine, I have never had a problem finding work before, so why now, would be a shame if they change my frame of mind with their negativity, and as we don't have a nursery place for Ax until Sept it would be hard for me to find alternative nursery care over the summer anyway, but we'll see. Enough depressing things, and here's for hoping that the recession will soon end!!!!

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