Friday, 20 November 2009


Then it was friday again, its raining here and so dark. A perfect day to be inside and watch movies, but unfortunately I'm at work with no movies in sight, oh well. I'm off to IKEA tomorrow with my lovely friend Clair to buy a table and some chairs etc. We use our garden furnitures to eat on (inside, not in the garden ha ha), but it looks really quite funny and the chairs are not so comfortable. What are you guys doing this weekend?

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

oh and Axel can now stand up and take some steps

our beautiful boy is getting better and better every day, so nice to see him trying to walk instead of crawling super fast : ) and he knows how to kiss now with a smooch sound as well, lovely!

The move went well + Passport moan

The move went really well, we decided to do it the posh way and got a removal company to lift, drive and unload (we did pack out stuff tho ; ). It's so nice to be in but we have been so so busy, not sure where the time has gone. The first weekend we just moved and cleaned our old flat. Then I worked a lot last week and had my official interview for the job I'm doing already, I got it!! so now I have work until end of July, but hopefully later of course. Then my old London uni friends came over on the weekend and now it's Tuesday. I'm off tomorrow but my and Ax have to go up to London to get a new passport for myself. I managed to break my old one (well, there is a 3cm rip in one of the corners by the photo). The passport was wrongly constructed when I bought it 2002, after they took them back in Sweden, but as I haven't really been home more than a week in time since then, I never changed it, which i regret now!! Instead of paying £35 for a new passport, I will now have to pay £124 + train fair to London + go and pick it up (or alternatively pay £19 to get it sent to the consulate here in Brighton. I hate having to spend money on things like this, but I got no choice of course, don't want to be left at Gatwick when we go home for Christmas!

Friday, 6 November 2009

Moving day tomorrow!

Wish us luck, we are moving tomorrow and we can't wait!! Sitting in a living room with loads of boxes drinking a beer and eating crisps, not much else to eat here : )

Monday, 2 November 2009

Shit va lange sen sist!

Nu va det riktigt lange sen sist jag bloggade, borja nytt jobb och sant tar pa krafterna. Men nu kanner jag mig mer stabil och provar pa att smyg blogga fran jobbet : )

Vad har hant pa sistonde? Vi packar for fullt, flyttar pa Lordag vilket kanns riktigt bra, forutom att vi maste punga ut over £2300 i forsta hyra, deposit etc. Men men, det ska nog ga bra, lite har, lite dar, lite pa mr credit card sa ska det nog ga vagen. Jag har dromt lite mardrommer pa sistonde med nya huset, kommer liksom inte riktigt ihag hur det ser ut vilket ar lite orovackande. J undrade om dar finns kyl och frys? Jag har ingen aning.... men diskmaskin finns dar ialla fall, det vet jag! Sen tror jag att jag kommer ihag att vaggarna ar lite gula sa de maste vi mala over, pallar inte mer beige pa vaggarna (vi har den fargen i hela lagenheten just nu, fraga inte varfor vi inte har malat...)

Ax trivs utmarkt pa dagis, han alskar sin dagis froken och hon alskar Axel (lite orovackande ha ha). Men det ar ju bra pa ett satt, och han har inte ledsen nar vi lamnar, tvartom, superglad! Oftast lamnar J pa dagis, men han skar sig igar stackarn (lagom till flytten), riktigt djupt sa han ska till sjukskoterskan idag sa hon kan se om det behover sys. Vi fick nya knivar som brollopspresent, men jag ar nastan lite radd for dem, tacka vet jag de gamla trubbiga.