Went up with Axel this morning at 6am on the dot, must admit that J normally goes up that early with me rising from the bed at 8-9ish : ) But it's quite nice to go up a bit earlier so I might start doing that, I think I get in a better mood... cease the day sort if feel to it : ) Gonna go to Lewes today to see my lovely friend J and Iz, we are going to the park with some other mums which will be nice!
Thought I do a little "who am I" list this morning as I have already showered and had breakfast and now just killing time until we are off. I have translated it from Swedish so excuse my weird translation in places ; )
1. How old will you be in 5 years? I'll be 34
2. Who have you spent at least 2 hours with today? hmm, it's still pretty early so I guess only J and Axmax so far.
3. How tall are you? I'm 165cm in my passport, had a tall day that day I think even though the scary police admin lady really pushed down the wooden measuring stick on my head.
4. What's the last movie you seen? Not sure actually, went in to Blockbusters yesterday to see if anything nice has been released lately.. nothing!!! (so any tips are happily received, could do with a nice movie night in)
5. Who did you last call? My sister A which was a while back.
6. And who called you? My mum I think
7. What do you like the best, call people or text? I'm a real text person when it comes to arranging to meet friends, but I talk to my family in Sweden by phone.
8. Are your parents married? Nope, but my dad is married to another lovely lady.
9. When did you last saw your mum? Over Easter so not that long ago.
10. What's your eye colour? Scandinavian Blue ha ha
11. When did you wake up this morning? At 6am bright and early by a very happy little boy : )
12. What's your favourite Christmas carol? Fairytale of New York (like everyone else, and I like to sing along with it like I was drunk, why is that!?!)
13. Where's your favourite place? I will be a bit vague and say by the sea (in general really)
14. Where's is you least favourite place? I don't usually go to places I don't like so I'm not sure.
15. Where do you think you will be in 10 years? Either England or Sweden or maybe even US, who knows, only time will tell but I like adventures : )
16. What scared you in the night as a child? I was (and still am) a bit scared of the dark and have to half run skip to the bathroom in the night if I have to go which I try to avoid by not drinking so much in the evening.
17. What made you laugh recently? Axel makes my laugh all the time.
18. How wide is your bed? 160cm
19 Do you have a PC or a laptop? Both, but the PC is so old so we only use it to play music on it.
20. Do you sleep with any clothes on at night? Always a t-shirt, if not I always seem to dream that I'm naked??
21. How many pillows do you use? What's with all the bed questions???? Two if anyone is interested. But I used about 4 when I was pregnant.
22. Which countries have you visited? Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Scotland, Ireland, Greece, France, Germany, Holland, South Africa and Mozambique
23. Where have you lived? I grew up in Skane, then London, Oslo, Dublin, London again and finally Brighton.
24. Are you a social person? Definitely, crave company at all times.
25. What's you favourite ice cream? GBs "Sandwich", daim ice cream is pretty nice as well.
26. What's your favourite desert? I'm not too fussed, anything sweet really, but I don't like tiramisu.
27. Do you like Chinese food? It's ok, but I like Thai better
28. Do you like coffee? No, only the smell.
29. What do you drink for breakfast? Tea and c-vitamin tablet drink
30. Do you sleep on a particular side? Shouldn't this question be with the other 100 sleep questions?? the answer is left.
31. Can you play poker? Not really, only know the basic rules.
32. Do you like to snuggle? of course
33. Are you an addictive person? oh yes... I get addictive to most things so I try to avoid any routines.
34. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? My old boss, but he was a bit older ; )
35. Would you like (more) children? Yes, would like 3 I think.
36. Do you know any other languages? Apart from Swedish and English I might be able to understand a bit of German if the person speaks really slow and do not use any hard words, so nothing to brag about ha ha.
By this time I gave up, the questions never ends!!! 12 hours later and on the sofa again...
37. Have you ever been driven in an ambulance? No
38. What do you prefer, the sea or a swimming pool? Nothing's better than the sea!
39. What do you prefer to spend money on? Well, we don't have any money so that's easy haha, well if I had money I would travel a bit more.
40. Do you own any expensive jewellery? My engagement ring was a bit over budget, but I love it so that's ok ; )
41. What's your favourite program?
Kirstie's new program - love it, love her, love Thursdays...
42. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
43. Who is the most fun person you know? Axel at the mo, but he doesn't know it.
44. Do you sleep with any teddies? Ehhh no.
45. What's your ring tone? Chasing cars with Snow Patrol which I've meant to change for quite a while.
46. Do you have any clothes from when you where a little girl? Some I guess..
Nooooooo, I GIVE UP this list NEVER ends!!!!!
Here is a photo of Axmax today in the park -

He looks a bit red, but fear not, he got sun cream on and was in the shade or had his big hat on the whole time, no tanned baby here (just a mum who is a tiny bit burn, should have taken on factor 40 an hour earlier!)