Had a really nice weekend, we went to the Swedish school on Saturday morning, they got a Swedish teacher there for adults as well so J came along, he thought it was great so gonna try and continue with it every Saturday. Next week the whole school will do some Easter decorations and then eat Semlor (a very Swedish tradition - basically a sweet bun with some whipped cream and a paste similar to marzipan with some icing sugar dusted on top, they are lovely). It's really nice to get out in the morning and get going instead of just chilling at home on the weekends. We went for a walk on the Downs with J's work on Sunday which was nice - was a sponsored walk for Breast cancer research in UK, it was quite cold and muddy but the views on the downs are just stunning and it was for a good cause! I felt the weekend went much slower (or maybe the same speed, but on the Sunday night it felt like we done loads) much more than last weekend when we ended up doing nothing which gives me slight anxiety on Sunday evenings ha ha.
Axel tooth has come through now and I can see the second one just under the skin, hopefully both should be out soon so we can have the usual happy Axel back, feel so sorry for him at the mo, must hurt a bit, but giving him some Calpol and extra cuddles and kisses which I think helps... Me on the other hand - my tooth is still not ok, I can not eat on one side and got ache, sharp pain and pulsating pain a lot. Not good, going to the dentist tomorrow AGAIN!!, feel a bit embarrassed going there so much, but J keeps telling me that it's them that should be embarrassed for not fixing my tooth correctly in the first place, so I keep telling myself that, it's even come to the point when I just want them to take it out or do a root canal - anything really to stop this underlying pain arrrgggggghhhhh.J's mum is coming over today which will be nice, gonna go and have some lunch with J, I thought the weather would be better (it's cloudy and a bit cold), oh well..
Axel can now sit up all by himself without falling after a while, happened last week and now he is just practicing and practicing, so fascinating how quick they learn something new when they figure out how to do it!